20 Mar

Technology is advancing and so artificial intelligence (AI) is going to change the human way of living. A web design agency in Delhi uses brand-new AI website design tools to create or redesign its website. You can have a plethora of options to go with: from Wix ADI to Firedrop. Then, would AI be the smartest choice for your business?Well, let’s find out!Here, in this blog, you’ll learn about the most popular AI web design tools, plus, you get to know about their advantages and disadvantages. With all this data, you can choose the best one for your business when it comes to hiring a web designing company in Delhi or using an AI application.What Is AI Web Design?
An AI website design uses artificial intelligence technology to create a website. With the application of an advanced algorithm, AI web design tools offer a variety of options to your businesses when designing every page of the website.While AI web design already exists, many business professionals consider it to be "in-progress" technology. It lacks the technological tools necessary to compete with the skills of a qualified web designer. However, companies and designers experiment with these tools to evaluate their development and identify any flaws.Top 3 AI Website Design ToolsWhile lots of IT companies also provides efficient and effective website designing services in Delhi to boost your business sales. If you want to know more about AI web design tools, you can check out the top three given below:The Grid
The Grid was launched around 10 years ago and demonstrates the number of years it invested in web design and artificial intelligence. It is one of the first AI website design tools and delivers the best on user's expectations till date.Pros:

  • It is an AI web design tool used by many people, providing new users with an opportunity to interact with an active and knowledgeable community.   
  • The Grid lets you create websites in a fast way and you don't have to wait through extended loading times. In this way, you can move forward in the right direction.


  • When you start working with Molly, The Grid's AI, you have to pick up your site's color palette and supply the content on your website. You have no freedom to refuse this feature and Molly designs the rest of your website, preventing you to make any desired modifications.
  • There is a yearly fee to use The Grid. Given that this AI site design tool relies on underdeveloped technology, this requirement may discourage many potential users.

Wix ADIThis website-building tool has gained much popularity among the best web designing company in Delhi, since its launch in 2016. Wix ADI hopes to streamline web designing in a more cost-effective and customized way.Pros:· 

  • Anyone can use Wix. It doesn't matter whether you're a free or subscribing user, you can build your website without any prior knowledge. This feature helps Wix to refine its algorithm and expands the use of artificial intelligence in website design.
  • Unlike The Grid, you can customize your choices with Wix ADI. You can switch to another design if you're not liking the initial design.


  • It takes a long to load massive pages on Wix. You will need to prepare yourself for a sluggish experience with Wix ADI. It may take several minutes to load long pages, such as product listings.
  • Wix ADI has poor SEO features when it comes to URLs, many search engine optimization (SEO) experts have complained about this website editor software.

FiredropA typical web design agency in Delhi is using Firedrop by telling Sacha, a personal web design assistant, to create a custom website that you need. The assistant also provides feedback to the user.Pros

  • You can use Firedrop for free, just like Wix ADI. If you like Firedrop, you may subscribe for a monthly subscription to get a personalized domain, get rid of the Firedrop logo, and have your website grow beyond a single page.
  • On-the-go customers are drawn to Firedrop's mobile-friendly design. Your website may be created and modified using a smartphone, which is useful because it guarantees that your site is responsive.


  • Your web design agency in Delhi team can only produce one-page websites without spending money on a monthly subscription. One-page websites are helpful for entrepreneurs, but most businesses don't require them. The majority of businesses avoid Firedrop for this reason. 
  • While a user preference, many people may be put off by Firedrop's chatbot-reliant user interface. In contrast to Wix ADI, this interface requires that your team always speak with Sacha in order to make modifications or updates to your website.

Are AI Designed Websites Useful in the Long Run?Applications like Wix ADI, Firedrop, and The Grid provide a fresh perspective on web design, but they aren't the best choice for companies. They don't offer the flexibility of expert site design or the direction that comes from knowledgeable web designers and developers.Investing in a website designed by a professional team is necessary if you want your business to have the best online foundation. They can offer the customization and know-how required to establish a site that offers the kind of experience people are looking for. 

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